Love, Lust and the Longing for God, A Spiritual Guide to Emotional Healing by Justice Saint Rain

Love, Lust and the Longing for God

In The Secret of Emotions Justice Saint Rain taught us how to understand the spiritual meaning behind our emotional sensations and gave us a whole new vocabulary for understanding the language of the heart. In 4 Tools of Emotional Healing he used this language to explore the healing potential of Honesty, Forgiveness, Compassion and Faith and offered practical guidance as to how to apply them to our daily lives. In Longing for Love he turned his unique understanding of emotions to the question of how to find and nurture healthy relationships, while avoiding shame-based relationships and addictive or compulsive acting out. Now all three of these life-lessons are available in a single volume that will be equally useful for individuals trying to understand their life challenges and therapists trying to explain the subtleties of the healing process to their clients.

$12 each
$9 each
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Love, Lust and the Longing for God

In The Secret of Emotions Justice Saint Rain taught us how to understand the spiritual meaning behind our emotional sensations and gave us a whole new vocabulary for understanding the language of the heart. In 4 Tools of Emotional Healing he used this language to explore the healing potential of Honesty, Forgiveness, Compassion and Faith and offered practical guidance as to how to apply them to our daily lives. In Longing for Love he turned his unique understanding of emotions to the question of how to find and nurture healthy relationships, while avoiding shame-based relationships and addictive or compulsive acting out. Now all three of these life-lessons are available in a single volume that will be equally useful for individuals trying to understand their life challenges and therapists trying to explain the subtleties of the healing process to their clients.

The individual books can also be purchased separately or as a set. This is particularly helpful if you want to share these insights but don’t want to overwhelm a friend or client with a 284pg book. The three books in the series include The Secret of Emotions , 4 Tools of Emotional Healing and Longing for Love. Each focuses on a different aspect of healing and is just long enough to inspire without intimidating a slow reader.

This series can be used by therapists and treatment centers to build a foundation for a wide range of recovery programs.

This is by Justice Saint Rain, the author of The Secret of Happiness, and Why Me? – A Spiritual Guide to Growing Through Tests, and is written in the same easy-to-read conversational style that has made him a favorite. If you have liked his previous works, you will love this one, and will want to share it with friends. Once you read it, don’t forget to write reviews here and on Amazon and to encourage others to explore its healing message.

Other reviewers have found the first book in the series “Life changing,” “A must read,” and “One of the most profound books I’ve ever read.” A reviewer of the second book said she wanted to give one to every patient at her drug rehab center. Click on reviews to read more about how these books have transformed lives.

Look for excerpts from this series on our FaceBook page named Love, Lust and the Longing for God.

Note: This is not a picture book, but we have been illustrating excerpts for the FaceBook page, and have included some of these in the images here. Enjoy!

Dimensions9 × 6 × .6 in

1 book, 2 copies, 10 copies

5 reviews for Love, Lust and the Longing for God, A Spiritual Guide to Emotional Healing by Justice Saint Rain

  1. Elena Mustakova (facebook comment)

    Justice, thank you so much for your beautiful book Love, Lust, and the Longing for God! It is literally transforming the lives of a number of the people I work with in therapy, and each day I am discovering more ways in which it can help people reconnect to their higher nature and heal their suffering. What a gift you gave! With great appreciation,

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  2. Sue Woods (GoodReads Reviewer)

    I love this book. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It has given me so many things to think about that most self help books leave out.I am especially thankful that the chart on page (64) is in the book. I am just amazed that the author Justice Saint Rain has given the world a way to recognize our motivations. And in such easy simple ways. This is a small book with a very very big message that can be used by every human being who ever wanted to give their walk in this life a more positive spin and actually know what they are doing and why. Thank you so much Justice.
    P.S. I will never be finished reading this book as I intend to keep going back to it to gauge my growth progress, encouragement and support.

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  3. Shawaii (Amazon reviewer)

    This is probably the most thought-provoking book I’ve ever read. I’m not sure I wanted to dig this deep, but dig I did. The Secret of Emotions will stun and amaze.

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  4. virtue99

    “Justice mailed this book to me in county jail and I read it there…I loved it and to have another copy would be sweet….to have it again would be great, it had many useful tips and such in it, and also had a great list of qualities to look for and seek. I enjoyed the book a lot. He’s an amazing writer.” – Jill (from an incarcerated fan)

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  5. virtue99

    “Love, Lust…”is one of my favorite books of all time. This is actually my 3rd copy, the other 2 having been used as ‘seed material’ at RGCI. I think this one is a keeper. I will savor it, as a supplement to my daily religious musings.” – Charles (from an incarcerated reader)

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